Target Deals: A Warehouse Full of Them!
Did you know you can get awesome Target Deals all year long? I had no idea until we moved to North Carolina what a Target salvage store was.
Before living here I spent a lot of time browsing the Target clearance sections at our local store looking for the best deals. But I soon discovered that the clearance sections here in Charlotte were very lacking compared to other places we had lived.
After browsing on Facebook marketplace I discovered a Target lovers best kept secret: Target salvage stores! AKA a warehouses full of the best Target deals!
What is a Salvage Store?
A salvage store is a warehouse of returned, out of season, or discontinued items.
The owners buy pallets of merchandise for a flat rate and then resell it to the public. You will not find brand new items at these stores, but I have found that it doesn’t take long for the returns of new items to start coming in.
Many of my finds are still currently sold in Target at normal price. Some of the stores I go to don’t only carry Target items. They also have things from Macys, World Market, and other retailers. But the majority are from Target.
Some of my favorite items I’ve bought at my local stores

How to find a store?
I discovered the warehouses near me on Facebook marketplace. So a quick search on Facebook for “new Target” should lead you in the right direction.
I live in Charlotte, North Carolina. My favorite stores to go to are:
- Loading Liquidation in Stallings
- All New and Cheap in Charlotte
A few weeks ago I posted a video of one of my shopping trips. I received an overwhelming response of people wanting help finding a store near them.
This is when I discovered Aubrey Swan, a budget home decor blogger. Aubrey is a very established influencer with a large following. She has been an avid Target Deal shopper and recently used her platform to form a master list of all the Target Salvage Stores in the United States.
Seriously so awesome! Thank you Aubrey!
Here is a link to her post with a list of all the Target Salvage Stores.
Good luck, I hope there is a store near you!
Don’t forget to check out my Fall Porch Decorating Tips and Inspiration