Dresser Drawer Organization and How to Keep them that Way
The Backstory
Do you need help with dresser drawer organization in your kids rooms? I sure did!
In the past I hated how messy my kids clothes got. They would be folded when they went into their dresser drawers, but they would never stay that way. So, I finally caved and decided to try the KonMari folding method. In the past, I put it off because it seemed like a lot of work and with four kids, I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on dresser drawer organization bins. Recently, I found a multipack on amazon that was a decent price and it has helped us so much!
Folding– The Key to Organization
First, dresser drawer organization starts with the folding. I spent some time teaching my kids and showing them the KonMari folding concept. My girls were super excited about it. The boys lost interest quickly Haha.
The KonMari Method helps with dresser drawer organization because it not only maximizes the storage space but it also allows you to see everything in the drawer at one time. This folding method does not require stacking the clothes, but rather lining them up in the storage containers so you can see every item when you open the drawer. This is especially helpful so my kids don’t have to dig through and ruin all their folded clothes to find what they are looking for.
Here is a video if you aren’t familiar with the KonMari Folding Method.
The Best Bins
If you are going to fold this way, you definitely need to have some kind of bin to store the clothes in. Storage bins can add up and get expensive. I like to have a few sizes to accommodate different items. I found this multi pack on Amazon and its a great value. There is a 12 pack that comes with 4 large, 4 medium and 4 small bins. Or a 6 pack that comes with 2 Large, 2 Medium and 2 Small.
12 Storage Bins
6 Storage Bins
In addition, we use a separate bin for each category of clothes. Our categories look something like this : Underwear, pajamas, leggings, t-shirts, long sleeve shirts, shorts, pants, tights, dance leotards, swimwear, etc. The kids can find their clothes really fast this way.
Seasonal Rotation
This form of drawer organization definitely allows you to easily pull out the bin of clothes that are out of season and store them somewhere until they are needed. This makes clothes rotation really easy and simple.
Before Dresser Drawer Organization
These are my boys clothes right out of their drawers. I promise they are folded when they go in!

After Dresser Drawer Organization

Finally, lets makes some action steps to get this done.
- Order bins on Amazon (or somewhere else of your choosing), like right now….because once they are at your house you will be more motivated to get it done! I used one 12 pack per kid but that allowed for plenty of storage.
- Pull out all of the clothes.
- Make a pile of the ones they don’t like or wear anymore, to donate. If we were going full KonMari we would get rid of anything that doesn’t “spark joy”.
- Start Folding! I sat my kids down next to me at this point and had them learn the folding method right along with me.
- Put clothes in bins, organize by color if you’d like, and put bins in the drawers (or closet for out of season items). My kids each have three drawers so the top drawer has their pajamas, underwear, swim suits, tights, dance leotards. Middles drawer has shirts and bottom drawer has pants/shorts.
Happy Organizing!

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